What is Jet Lag?

Travelling to a different time zone can cause a condition known as jet lag. Your body has a circadian rhythm or internal clock. It makes you feel rested at night and awake during the day. This clock may not correspond to your new time zone when you move across time zones.

Many different symptoms, such as extreme fatigue during the day or difficulty falling asleep at night, can be brought on by this misunderstanding. Additionally, you can experience mood swings, headaches, or digestive issues.

Overseas travel insurance is a must if you want your trip to be an exciting and rewarding experience. Although dealing with jet lag can be difficult and uncomfortable, there are ways to lessen its impact. Make sure to read the following and incorporate them into your travel schedule.

Online travel insurance is easy to purchase and can provide various benefits, including medical insurance for travel, trip cancellation coverage, and emergency evacuation services.

  1. Your sleep schedule as necessary

Prior to your journey, try gradually adjusting your sleep routine so that you are retiring and waking up at times that are more in line with the time zone of your destination. This can facilitate a quicker physical adjustment and lessen the severity of jet lag symptoms.

  1. Keep hydrated

It’s crucial to drink lots of water because dehydration can exacerbate the effects of jet lag. Before and after your flight, do it. Avoiding alcohol and caffeine is also a good idea because they might dehydrate you.

  1. Skip the alcohol and coffee

Caffeine and alcohol both interfere with sleep and make jet lag symptoms worse. After your flight, stay away from them for at least a few days. To stay hydrated and prevent stimulating your body before bed, try drinking decaf coffee, herbal tea, or water. 

  1. Soak in some sunlight

Your body’s internal clock can be regulated, and jet lag symptoms can be lessened by exposure to natural light. Try to get outside occasionally throughout the day, particularly early morning.

  1. Utilise naps

You should attempt taking naps to get over jet lag, even though we understand that it might be difficult to restrain your excitement when exploring a new location. Taking little naps during the day can help you feel more rested if you’re tired.

  1. Take up exercise

Regular exercise can lessen the effects of jet lag and help you sleep better. Make an effort to exercise daily. However, avoid working out too soon before bedtime as it could make it more difficult to sleep.

  1. Be patient

Give your body time to acclimatise to the new time zone, and try to avoid packing your first few days after your journey with too much to do.

Travel insurance benefits can cover hospital stays, medical treatments, and transportation costs in a medical emergency. In addition to protecting your health, overseas travel insurance can provide peace of mind.

And to get protection without any hassle, you can always opt for online travel insurance!

Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.